Dr. Nathaniel Williams – The 4Ms We All Need To Be Successful in Life, Bloom – March 22, 2021
The Art of Executing Life’s Forward Flips with Fortitude
Often, when things don't go the way we expect or plan we become bewildered. We need not be bewildered any longer, however, because we can understand what to call each of the changes that life brings us several times each day. A change like this is called a "flip." The...
Self Reconciliation – Can’t live without it – but it can destroy everything that really matters if we aren’t mindful
Self-reconciliation means to resolve and understand things through our own personal lens. We do it in our daily transactions without even realizing it is occurring. It impacts how we talk, what we talk about, what we eat, where we will go and not go, and what we...
5 Ways to Make 2015 (and beyond) Like Never Before
5 Ways to Make 2015 (and beyond) Like Never Before We all go into a New Year with high expectations and resolutions that often wither away to nothing before the month of January ends. In an effort to make 2015, and beyond, like no other year, we must be on a...
Life’s Focus Must Be On The Opportunities Not Solely The Obligations
The larger issue is how we see the life we have and lead – not just the actions we take. The actions we take are a byproduct of the life we are leading. Does a person have a world view that solely focuses on obligations and tasks? Or a world view that focuses on...
Living a Life of Increase
We all aspire to live a life wherein we experience challenges that we are able to overcome and these experiences do not hurt our growth and development. Simply put, we expect things to happen and we deal with them and move on to the next circumstance. Let’s...
Imagine checking your pocket or pocketbook to find your wallet missing, coming home to find your front door ajar, or looking at your car and noticing that the back window has been smashed. We would all be appalled at such sights. In all of these situations, we would...
VICARIOUS LIVING – “Will the real ______ please show up, participate, and make a difference?”
There must be a personal and collective declaration to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.” We must not live in the shadows of our full self any longer. We must work toward reaching our destiny and find no more comfort in despair. We must be eager to unearth the potential our life holds. We must recognize that we must truly be in it to win it.
Life’s Game of Tag
LIFE’S GAME OF TAG: BEING THAT SPECIAL “IT” We all remember the times in our early lives when we played the game of tag. We can recall what it was like when someone touched us to make us “it,” and how we almost injured ourselves trying to touch another person so that...
Launch Your True Self
Launch Your True Self: Guide to Reframing Challenging Life Events By Nathaniel J. Williams, Ed.D., MHS, MPA, MBA Every person faces countless challenges in his life. There is no way to escape these challenges, and we cannot consciously control many of them. Though...
The 4C’s of Compassion
I feel compelled that we must learn something about ourselves to better prepare us to handle life's challenges when they occur. I believe our problem as a society is that we don't have a way to: “The 4Cs of Compassion - Care Consistently about the Capacity to Cope” We...
We Must Do Better
There are 500,000 in foster care in the United States on any given day and 800,000 children who go through the system in a year’s time. I don’t think anybody realizes the magnitude of this movement of precious lives. The traffic of these 800,000 children would make...